
Saturday, April 6, 2013

Gramatik LIVE SHOW Review

I've been a fan of Gramatik for many moons, and have loved hearing his sound shift and evolve over the years. He is produced and distributed by Pretty Lights Music - so if you like Pretty Lights then its a sure bet you'll dig Gramatik. His sound is rooted in hip hop percussion and rhythms, with blues, jazz and funk melodies spattered with modern doses of electronic and dubstep elements. He's an artist who has taken the best of dubstep and applied it to his style without diluting the spirit of what he's really trying to do. His music can be downloaded for free at the Pretty Lights Music record label website.

I loved his live show last night. His lighting set up was really cool - an industrial feel with two large video screens, one served as the a backdrop and the other was the front of his DJ/setup stand. If you've seen Pretty Lights' older shows (3-4 years ago), it was kind of like Pretty Lights' setup when he was first blowing up. The sound was incredible and Gramatik didn't just blast dubstep - he played a real sweet balance and mix of his old and new and focused on what makes his style unique - a blend of jazz/blues/funk elements with modern electronic. I'd recommend ANYONE go see him. Here's a video that gives you a taste:

Thursday, April 4, 2013

DJ Shiftee on the Traktor iPad App

This is why I love and use Traktor... I'm not DJ Shiftee level, but I'll keep practicing!